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Writer's pictureYassine Alahyane

Sitecore Commerce Plugin - Orders View Enhancements

New Sitecore Commerce Plugin - Orders View Enhancements

November15th 2021

When it comes to orders and fulfillment, every organization comes with specific requirements and processes. During the last few years, I was involved in numerous Sitecore Commerce customizations to fit my client's specific reality and requirements.

However some of these requirements seem more generic. That's why I targeted some features that can be helpful and included them in this plugin.

I started with 2 features, and intend to add more in the near future.

1) Retry All Problem Orders:

When you place an order in Sitecore Commerce, the initial status is 'Pending'.

Out of the

The classic flow is the following:

  • -Pending Order Minion monitors the Pending Orders List, checks the availability and then moves the orders to 'Released' status.

  • -Release Order Minion monitors the Released Orders List, fulfills the orders and moves them to 'Completed' status

  • -During this process if any problem happens the orders are moved to 'Problem' status and need Support Team to look into them. If any changes are need the orders are put 'On Hold' and changes are Committed or Hold is cancelled. Either way the order is then back to 'Pending' status.

Let's now consider a scenario where your Release Order Minion make a call to some external API to push the order to the CRM. Imagine if there was a network issue or your API is not accessible, or some unhandled exception occurred for some reason. Even for a few seconds. This will most likely cause hundreds of orders to go to Problem Status.

You know most of the orders in Problem status are caused by the same reason. So once you fix the issue, you'd like to have all the problem orders reprocessed again.

Here's where this feature become handy.

Retry All Problem Orders as you can see below, is an additional action in the Orders Dashboard in Bizfx that allows you to put all the problem orders back to 'Pending' status, to be picked up again by the Pending Order Minion.

2) Complete Order :

When an order is in 'Problem' status, the desired approach is to be able to fix it in Sitecore Commerce and have it flow to the CRM via the minions or other automated channels. But sometimes, merchandisers might find it easier to enter the order manually in the CRM based on the information on the order in Bizfx.

In this case the order should be moved to 'Completed' status.

And that's the second feature in this plugin.

Complete Order is an additional action in the Order Summary, only enabled when the current status is 'Problem'.

This action allows a merchandiser, after processing a problem order in the CRM, to complete the order from Bizfx.

How to Install:

  1. Clone the Github repo here.

  2. Copy the 'Alyas.Commerce.Plugin.BizFxOrdersEnhancement' plugin to your XC Solution and add it as a project.

  3. Add it as a dependency to your Sitecore.Commerce.Engine project.

I hope you find this plugin helpful.

Feel free to leave comments or questions.

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